Chinese astrology, rooted in ancient Chinese wisdom, is a fascinating system that assigns an animal and an element to each year in a 12-year cycle. These elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each animal and element combination is believed to influence a person’s characteristics and destiny.
Let’s explore the Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart to gain insights into the personalities born under each sign.
The Chinese Zodiac Years Chart
1. Rat Years Chart:
- 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
- Rat Characteristics: Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
2. Ox Years Chart:
- 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
- Ox Characteristics: Diligent, dependable, strong-willed
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
3. Tiger Years Chart:
- 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
- Tiger Characteristics: Brave, competitive, unpredictable
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
4. Rabbit Years Chart:
- 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
- Rabbit Characteristics: Gentle, quiet, elegant
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
5. Dragon Years Chart:
- 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
- Dragon Characteristics: Charismatic, innovative, ambitious
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
6. Snake Years Chart:
- 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
- Snake Characteristics: Wise, mysterious, intuitive
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
7. Horse Years Chart:
- 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
- Horse Characteristics: Energetic, independent, adventurous
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
8. Sheep Years Chart:
- 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
- Sheep Characteristics: Gentle, compassionate, artistic
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
9. Monkey Years Chart:
- 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
- Monkey Characteristics: Clever, witty, playful
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
10. Rooster Years Chart:
- 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
- Rooster Characteristics: Confident, punctual, independent
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
11. Dog Years Chart:
- 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
- Dog Characteristics: Loyal, honest, protective
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
12. Pig Years Chart:
- 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031
- Pig Characteristics: Diligent, compassionate, generous
- Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
Chinese Astrology Chart: Quick Overview
See the below table providing a quick overview of the Chinese Zodiac years, their corresponding characteristics, and elements:
Year | Chinese Zodiac | Characteristics | Element |
1920 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Metal |
1921 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Metal |
1922 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Water |
1923 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Water |
1924 | Rat | Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable | Wood |
1925 | Ox | Diligent, dependable, strong-willed | Wood |
1926 | Tiger | Brave, competitive, unpredictable | Fire |
1927 | Rabbit | Gentle, quiet, elegant | Fire |
1928 | Dragon | Charismatic, innovative, ambitious | Earth |
1929 | Snake | Wise, mysterious, intuitive | Earth |
1930 | Horse | Energetic, independent, adventurous | Metal |
1931 | Sheep | Gentle, compassionate, artistic | Metal |
1932 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Water |
1933 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Water |
1934 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Wood |
1935 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Wood |
1936 | Rat | Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable | Fire |
1937 | Ox | Diligent, dependable, strong-willed | Fire |
1938 | Tiger | Brave, competitive, unpredictable | Earth |
1939 | Rabbit | Gentle, quiet, elegant | Earth |
1940 | Dragon | Charismatic, innovative, ambitious | Metal |
1941 | Snake | Wise, mysterious, intuitive | Metal |
1942 | Horse | Energetic, independent, adventurous | Water |
1943 | Sheep | Gentle, compassionate, artistic | Water |
1944 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Wood |
1945 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Wood |
1946 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Fire |
1947 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Fire |
1948 | Rat | Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable | Earth |
1949 | Ox | Diligent, dependable, strong-willed | Earth |
1950 | Tiger | Brave, competitive, unpredictable | Metal |
1951 | Rabbit | Gentle, quiet, elegant | Metal |
1952 | Dragon | Charismatic, innovative, ambitious | Water |
1953 | Snake | Wise, mysterious, intuitive | Water |
1954 | Horse | Energetic, independent, adventurous | Wood |
1955 | Sheep | Gentle, compassionate, artistic | Wood |
1956 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Fire |
1957 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Fire |
1958 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Earth |
1959 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Earth |
1960 | Rat | Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable | Metal |
1961 | Ox | Diligent, dependable, strong-willed | Metal |
1962 | Tiger | Brave, competitive, unpredictable | Water |
1963 | Rabbit | Gentle, quiet, elegant | Water |
1964 | Dragon | Charismatic, innovative, ambitious | Wood |
1965 | Snake | Wise, mysterious, intuitive | Wood |
1966 | Horse | Energetic, independent, adventurous | Fire |
1967 | Sheep | Gentle, compassionate, artistic | Fire |
1968 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Earth |
1969 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Earth |
1970 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Metal |
1971 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Metal |
1972 | Rat | Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable | Water |
1973 | Ox | Diligent, dependable, strong-willed | Water |
1974 | Tiger | Brave, competitive, unpredictable | Wood |
1975 | Rabbit | Gentle, quiet, elegant | Wood |
1976 | Dragon | Charismatic, innovative, ambitious | Fire |
1977 | Snake | Wise, mysterious, intuitive | Fire |
1978 | Horse | Energetic, independent, adventurous | Earth |
1979 | Sheep | Gentle, compassionate, artistic | Earth |
1980 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Metal |
1981 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Metal |
1982 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Water |
1983 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Water |
1984 | Rat | Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable | Wood |
1985 | Ox | Diligent, dependable, strong-willed | Wood |
1986 | Tiger | Brave, competitive, unpredictable | Fire |
1987 | Rabbit | Gentle, quiet, elegant | Fire |
1988 | Dragon | Charismatic, innovative, ambitious | Earth |
1989 | Snake | Wise, mysterious, intuitive | Earth |
1990 | Horse | Energetic, independent, adventurous | Metal |
1991 | Sheep | Gentle, compassionate, artistic | Metal |
1992 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Water |
1993 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Water |
1994 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Wood |
1995 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Wood |
1996 | Rat | Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable | Fire |
1997 | Ox | Diligent, dependable, strong-willed | Fire |
1998 | Tiger | Brave, competitive, unpredictable | Earth |
1999 | Rabbit | Gentle, quiet, elegant | Earth |
2000 | Dragon | Charismatic, innovative, ambitious | Metal |
2001 | Snake | Wise, mysterious, intuitive | Metal |
2002 | Horse | Energetic, independent, adventurous | Water |
2003 | Sheep | Gentle, compassionate, artistic | Water |
2004 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Wood |
2005 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Wood |
2006 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Fire |
2007 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Fire |
2008 | Rat | Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable | Earth |
2009 | Ox | Diligent, dependable, strong-willed | Earth |
2010 | Tiger | Brave, competitive, unpredictable | Metal |
2011 | Rabbit | Gentle, quiet, elegant | Metal |
2012 | Dragon | Charismatic, innovative, ambitious | Water |
2013 | Snake | Wise, mysterious, intuitive | Water |
2014 | Horse | Energetic, independent, adventurous | Wood |
2015 | Sheep | Gentle, compassionate, artistic | Wood |
2016 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Fire |
2017 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Fire |
2018 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Earth |
2019 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Earth |
2020 | Rat | Quick-witted, resourceful, adaptable | Metal |
2021 | Ox | Diligent, dependable, strong-willed | Metal |
2022 | Tiger | Brave, competitive, unpredictable | Water |
2023 | Rabbit | Gentle, quiet, elegant | Water |
2024 | Dragon | Charismatic, innovative, ambitious | Wood |
2025 | Snake | Wise, mysterious, intuitive | Wood |
2026 | Horse | Energetic, independent, adventurous | Fire |
2027 | Sheep | Gentle, compassionate, artistic | Fire |
2028 | Monkey | Clever, witty, playful | Earth |
2029 | Rooster | Confident, punctual, independent | Earth |
2030 | Dog | Loyal, honest, protective | Metal |
2031 | Pig | Diligent, compassionate, generous | Metal |
In Short
Understanding the Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart allows us to appreciate the diversity of characteristics associated with each animal and element combination. While it’s essential to remember that astrology is a belief system and not science, many people find joy and insight in exploring the unique traits attributed to their Chinese Zodiac sign. Whether you are a Rat, Dragon, Monkey, or any other sign, embrace the positive qualities of your sign and navigate life with wisdom and purpose.