South Node House Past Life Calculator

The South Node represents our past lives and the qualities we have already mastered. It is the tail end of the Dragon, with the North Node being the head. The South Node signifies the areas of life where we are naturally skilled but also where we may face challenges due to overreliance or an inability to let go. This node embodies detachment and release, urging us to move away from the comfort zone it signifies.

South Node Past Life Calculator

South Node Past Life Calculator

Select the house where your South Node is placed:

In Vedic astrology, the South Node is known as Ketu. Ketu is considered a headless entity, symbolizing the loss of the physical head and, consequently, a detachment from worldly desires and materialism. Ketu is associated with spirituality, enlightenment, and the karmic baggage of past lives. It represents the areas where we are blessed due to past life actions but also where we need to let go to grow in this lifetime.

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