Why does Jupiter get exalted in the Cancer sign and debilitated in the Capricorn sign?

Jupiter is a spiritual teacher, and guide, selflessly helping others and caring. It represents very peaceful temples and nourishing, generous, loving personalities. True from inside and outside, no cleverness, never plays mind game, and have pure and healthy emotions.

Suppose we talk about the Cancer sign. Cancer sign represents selfless love, very emotional and expressive, motherly and nourishing nature, generous, loving & caring, no use of the mind, innocent sign, and very peaceful.

Jupiter finds these qualities in resonance with the Cancer sign. That’s why Jupiter gets exalted in the Cancer sign.

Now, we will talk about the Capricorn sign. Capricorn sign is very ambitious and believes in hard work; the hard sign can’t have peace until it achieves its goal, a very rigid and pessimistic sign, whereas Jupiter is very optimistic, gentle, and caring characteristics. Capricorn is a career sign, giving priority to career over other aspects of life where, whereas Jupiter gives value to emotions and helps others. That’s why Jupiter gets debilitated in Capricorn; Because Capricorn is a sign of achievement and Jupiter is a sign of knowledge and spreading knowledge.

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