Why Mars gets exalted in Capricorn and Debilitated in Cancer sign ?

Mars is a very brave personality. Mars has boldness, courage, hard-working personality. Soldier, Blunt, Energy, Self-protection, politics, charisma, logic etc, are the qualities of Mars.

Let’s talk about the Capricorn sign. The Capricorn sign represents hard work, achievement, and endurance. To complete any task that needs so much energy, Mars finds that willpower, courage, and hard work. Hence traits of Mars will be expressed and supported by Capricorn, which provides great success. Mars in Aries is very direct and spontaneous, whereas Capricorn is disciplined and then completes step by step. That’s why Mars remains exalted in the Capricorn sign.

Qualities of Mars

Cancer sign is feminine energy, not courageous, homely environment, emotionally innocent, peace seeker.
Mars is opposite from the Cancer sign. Mars is in Cancer loose its courage, physical strength will power, and braveness, Cancer is a water sign, and Mars is fire. Both are way different, so Mars doesn’t feel good in soft and feminine, that’s why Mars get debilitated in the Cancer sign.

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