Why Venus gets exalted in Pisces and gets debilitated in Virgo sign ?

According to Hindu Scriptures, Planet Venus is considered as the goddess of Love, beauty, comforts, marriage, bed pleasures, all artistic and creative things, music, dance, fragrance, pure relationship, comforts in a relationship, and money. Venus also represents Mahalakshmi, the wife of Lord Vishnu.

Let’s talk about the Pisces sign which is a sign of Jupiter that means Vishnu sign. It is a deep emotion, an ocean of pure emotion, selfless helping, and loving nature. In Pisces, there are two fishes playing together inside the ocean, and no body is around. It is the sign of Lord Vishnu’s Lotus Feet lying on the bed with all comforts, and Devi Mahalakshmi is lovingly serving his feet.  So, when Venus gets peace, then all comforts and money comes effortlessly, and so much of pure love. Venus finds compassion, empathy and love without any selfishness. It also brings harmony and balance to the relationship. That’s why Venus gets exalted in Pisces Sign.


Now, Will talk about the Virgo sign. Virgo is a young unmarried girl, very smart and sensible, very practical, logical, and believes in analysis. Virgo likes intellect everywhere, friendly sign and independent sign, business minded. It is sign of intelligence, use the mind and learn new things, a calculative mind, communicating with lots of people, being very social, love to communicate, do good in regular job and careers and good for business things. It believes in perfection.  Virgo are perfection seekers.

Venus is love. Virgo finds logic in everything. Venus in Virgo finds logic and practicality in emotions and love and also finds imperfection in the relationship, which is not the nature of Venus.

Venus fails to express unconditional and spiritual love in the practical sign of Virgo. Using the mind in loving relationships simply ruined everything. That’s why Virgo gets debilitated in Virgo. 

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