Rishi Sunak is the newly elected Prime minister of United Kingdom. Sunak was born in Southampton to parents of Indian descent who migrated to Britain from East Africa in the 1960s. He was born on 12th May 1980, Southampton at 22:17 PM (after time rectification).

He made a historical success by becoming 1st Hindu Prime Minister in Britain. Now he is the current topic of the arena.

Now, We will check his life through astrological point of view and know the reason behind his strong personality and how he is shining so bright in today’s time globally.

On 12th May 1980, Automatically most of the planets were at fire sign. As you can see, Planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Mars & Rahu is in Leo sign and other planets like Moon, Mercury & Sun in Aries sign, that gives high energy to a Person to do something extraordinary.

As we have discussed in early blog, the Upchaya Houses are the houses which makes a person to go through so many lessons & learnings and then after lots of experiences, nobody can stop that person to shine. So, we can see, mostly planets in his horoscope is in 6th house and 10th house, which are upchaya houses.

Again, when two natural karkas i.e. Saturn & Mars of upchaya houses gets placed together, then that person would be very workaholic and believes that he can change the world by his hard work.

Moreover, 3rd house lord & 6th house lord are placed in 10th house, means lord of upchaya house is placed in upchaya house itself. While Mars & Sun are forming sign exchange yoga that too in the upchaya houses, which shows that he will shine like anything and achieve extraordinary name & fame and gives courage to rule over the world. Other than that, lagan lord Mars is placed in 10th house, one’s main lord placed in career house and achievement house, again shows that the person will have leadership qualities.

About his time rectification, the person who works for the government and acts as politician, definitely Mars & Sun would be ascendant lord and career lord. Through this timing, we got the proper dasha, which justifies that 2022 is the best year for his achievements. As this is Mars mahadasha (as lagan lord is placed in 10th house) and again Mars in Magha Nakshatra (a nakshatra of throne) and Saturn anterdasha which is placed in 10thhouse and Saturn is in 10th house and placed in uttara phalguni which is Sun nakshatra. Saturn is Sun nakshatra behaves like a king, itself a king maker. So, this is the proper timing of getting power in his hands.

Rishi Sunak has mostly planets in Fire sign, in achievements houses and in Ketu nakshatra. Ketu, Mars, Sun & Saturn gives good effects in field of politics. Specially Ketu has the biggest effect, as it represents the flag of honour. 

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