As venus mahadasha is for 20 years, depending upon the position of venus, it will decide how effective venus mahadasha would be. Venus is a female planet. Venus represents love, romance, desire, music, money, food, and other beautiful & creative things in this world. It is a naturally beneficial dasha, but it will be beneficial or not, it will depend on the chart & its position.
As this is a young planet, venus mahadasha involves in a creative field. Good venus mahadasha will bless you with good wealth and opulence.

Good venus mahadasha will enhance your beauty, you will look young and energetic. While Bad venus mahadasha will give problems related to beauty, like native starts getting bald or having pimples, or gaining weight. Good venus mahadasha will give you a good opportunity for having money so that natives will spend more money on luxury, clothes, fun, or comfort. Bad venus mahadasha will run out of the money and person needs to adjust his expenses and not get enough food, fun, cloth e.t.c.
Good venus mahadasha results in a person having more female friends and getting benefits from them. Bad venus mahadasha results in a person getting betrayed by women or lack of women in his/her life.
Good venus will make a person successful in love matters or will have love marriage or marriage in venus mahadasha. Bad venus gives you failure in love, love loss, late marriage or a person will get worries related to love marriage.
To make venus strong, you should use white clothes especially on Friday.
One should use perfume regularly.
One should give respect to women and make good communication.