Career – Playing the Master stroke

In everyone’ life, Career has its own importance. As Career is going to decide the financial & social status of a person. Even his relations also depends a lot on what path person choose as livelihood.

So, Here we are going to study all aspects of one’s horoscope, that plays an important role is one’s field of choosing his or her career. By using astrology, we can predict one’s career through his/her chart. Now, we will discuss it step by step.

Career depends on various factors like 10th house lord, planets placed in 10th house, nakshatra in which planet is placed, yogkarak planets, sign in which planet is placed, off course running dasha, ascendent lord & planet aspecting 10th house. Through, all these we can easily predict the favorable & unfavorable choices of career.

But, Native will do job or act as an employee under someone or do business and made his own empire, it depends on 6th house (which is the house of job) and 7th house (which is a house of business). Person will choose that option among two, which house is more strong and which house has more points in ashtavarga.

First, we should know which planet influences various kinds of career opportunities. Irrespective of any planet in the 10th house, let’s analyse the career from ascendent. For e.g. Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini.


Naturally, in both the ascendent, 10th house falls in Jupiter and mercury , and Ascendent lord is Jupiter & Mercury. Jupiter is saving planet, teacher, guide or mentor. Mercury is speaker, translator, finance, student, business. So, mostly teachers, bankers, CA’s motivational speakers, business analyst, management, translator as from these above lagan. 

But somehow, if lagan is not same, Jupiter and Mercury has connection with 10th house and running dasha would be Jupiter & Mercury only.

Same for civil services, Mars & Ketu, Saturn & Sun are main planets for this. In Scorpio acsendent, Leo falls in 10th, means authoritative career. They easily get the government jobs in civil services. Let’s make a chart and discuss it step by step.

This is Scorpio ascendent and Mars is in own sign, Sun is aspecting Mars, making a strong energy of Sun &  Mars. This shows that the native is an active personality, Saturn is in own sign. Again, 10th house lord placed in kendra and 10th house, Ketu placed in Leo.

Sun is government, Ketu represents red flag (flag of honour), Saturn is to serve other person, Mars is soldier. Moreover, Mars is placed in Anuradha (Nakshatra of Saturn), Sun is placed in Ashwini (Nakshatra of Ketu), Saturn is placed in Dhanistha (Nakshtra of Mars), and Ketu is placed in Magha (Nakshatra of Ketu, which means throne). So this chart shows a strong career in Administrative services, IAS, IPS, Belt forces. Specially in Saturn, Mars, Sun, Ketu dasha. This is how we can check other’s career too.

One should never try to choose a career option of function malefic planet of particular ascendent, until unless that planet is placed in 10th house with good degree. For example, we know, Mercury is the enemy of Mars. In Mars ascendent horoscope, one should never go for finance career, until unless Mercury is not placed there with good degree.

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