Elon Musk, One of the most popular personality in today’s time. Entrepreneur Elon Musk has achieved global fame as the chief executive (CEO) of electric autos maker Tesla Inc. (TSLA) and CEO of the private space company SpaceX. Musk co-founded PayPal (PYPL), was an early investor in several tech companies, and in October 2022 he completed a deal to take Twitter Inc. private.
Today, we will discuss about his horoscope chart and know all aspects that made him so wealthy & materially successful. He was born on 28th January, 1971-6:30 Am at Pretoria. If we observe his horoscope, he is Gemini rising, Mercury in own sign with Sun, lagan lord in own sign with Sun, which gives strong image in society.

Moreover, 3rd lord placed with lagan lord in first house, which shows he is very hardworking and courageous by nature and very stubborn.
Upchaya house will make the person courageous to do something extraordinary and brilliance in life. So Career lord placed in 6th house, which is Jupiter and Jupiter is placed in retrograde position. As 6th house is the house of pending karma and retrograde planets are connected to past life. Retrograde planets has more energy than other. This Jupiter clearly shows that, he will do extraordinary work in life, which is pending before and bless with high achievement with lots of Hardwork. Again, Jupiter in D9 placed 10th house, that too in Leo sign, a sign of King.

Venus Saturn conjunction is one of the best conjunction to be wealthy. Infact, Bill Gates too have in conjunction. Specially this conjunction will occur in sign of Venus. This conjunction is sufficient of giving Huge wealth But he has this conjunction in 12th house, which again shows that, he will achieve his goals with luck, away from his culture and place of birth, which seems to be very true here. He born in south Africa, But doesn’t have any home in South Africa.
But all these happen in Rahu Mahadasha, when he was counted as Number 1 Billionaire. In Rahu Mahudasha, which have been started in 2013 and will end in 2031, and last year in 2021, He got the top position in the Billionaire list of the world. That happened in Rahu Mahadasha and Mercury anterdasha (January 2021-July 2023). This will be the best years for him in terms of fame and achievements. Yogkarak planets, Rahu & Mercury , Both comes together as dasha. Both are good in finance related things.
Mercury being the lagan lord/health lord will also gives him one syndrome, Asperger syndrome, which he declared in 2021, he is suffering from this. Under Rahu Mahadasha (8th house dasha, which gives hurdles, accidents, sudden events, transformation). This syndrome is related to social life, communication related problems, which again Mercury is the planet of your social life, your friends and relatives.
Rahu-Mercury shows things related to social sets social life, finance, online things, digital things. So in this time phase 25th April-2022, He bought Twitter (Social Site). So in Rahu Mahadasha, he became CEO of Space X, Co-Founder of PayPal & owner of Twitter.
Now we will discuss about Relationship Part.
He married two women. 7th lord in 6th house, 12th from its own house, that too in retrograde position, marriage lord should not be in retrograde position. Both the wives are very beautiful famous, as he has Venus in Taurus Sign. He married with author Justine Musk in 2000, divorced in 2008. Again, married with actress Taluah Riley in 2010,and divorced in 2012. Again he marries same person in 2013.